There’s nothing more fun than an impromptu Nerf war! Shooting your friends without lethally injuring them will always be enjoyable, but which Nerf guns are best for foam firefights?
Nerf Guns: What’s Not to Love?
A lot of factors affect the way a Nerf gun handles during a fight. Here are some things you have to consider before you choose your weapon:
- Capacity: In a Nerf war, you want as much ammo as possible. Smaller guns generally only hold between three and six darts, meaning you have to carry extras and reload them one by one. Bigger guns allow you to use a magazine you can prefill for faster reloading.
- Ammunition: There are many kinds of Nerf rounds: darts, large missiles, foam balls, etc. There are also different variations of those rounds, like elite and suction darts, or whistlers. Each type of ammunition has unique properties that affect speed, range, and accuracy.
- Speed: How fast your gun fires, reloads, and fires again will determine your fighting style. If you use a slower, single-shot gun, you’ll likely spend more time behind cover trying to avoid precisely aimed shots, since you won’t be able to launch any suppressive fire. However, if you have a fully-automatic Nerf gun, you can move out in the open more easily and pressure opponents to stay covered.
- Priming method: One of the biggest factors that affects how fast your gun can shoot is the priming method. Nerf has guns that use slides, hammer action, bolt action, battery-powered primers, and other creative methods to prepare the next round to fire. The way a gun reloads affects not only the speed with which you can reload but also how frequently the gun jams.
- Range and accuracy: Your gun needs to shoot accurately at a long-range to win a Nerf war. The closer you are to your opponent, the more likely you are to be shot. The farther your gun can shoot accurately, the better your chance of not getting hit by stray darts. Accuracy is incredibly important to the overall experience of the game. Nothing is more frustrating than shooting right at someone only to watch the dart fly whichever direction it wants.
10th Place: N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3

This little peashooter might look tiny, but it packs a crazy punch. The N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3 comes with three Elite darts loaded in its three barrels. The barrels fire one at a time, starting from the bottom to the top left, and then to the top right.
To cock the gun, you pull the handle at the bottom until you hear a click. It’s a slower way to prime, but what it lacks in speed, it makes up for in distance. It can fire darts up to 90 feet—quite a distance for something that fits in the palm of your hand.
NERF N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3 Toy, Multicolor
The N-Strike Elite Triad EX-3 isn’t held back by its size. It can shoot up to 90 feet and is easily concealed for sneak attacks.
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9th Place: Rival Artemis XVII-3000

The Rival Artemis XVII-3000 is the sawed-off shotgun of high-impact round Nerf guns. The round foam balls look innocent, but, as the name implies, they can leave a nice sting. These rounds are meant to pack a punch. They fire at 100 feet per second and are like a cross between Nerf darts and paintballs.
The Artemis has three rotating barrels. They alternate after each shot and hold up to 30, high-impact rounds. You reload manually, round by round, into each of the three barrels. This gun uses pump action to prime the rounds—just hold the front grip, pull it back, and then pump it forward. It only takes a second, so you’ll go through rounds quickly during intense sessions.
NERF Rival Artemis XVII-3000 Blue
The Rival Artemis XVII-3000 is a cross between a Nerf shotgun and a paintball gun. It has a large capacity of high-impact rounds, making it perfect for long battles.